Can an office be organized like a city? The macro urban structure translated to a scale to create a series of ‘events’ or locations: individual working, group interaction, mail sorting, informal meetings, board meetings, presentations, relaxing, playing, eating, training. How do you create integration when the office is split vertically over five floors and the brief requires different grades of privacy for varying activities?
We wanted to stay away from the traditional partitioning systems, so we designed a flexible multifunctional element that could act as a partition but at the same time be used as a utility area, display cabinet, storage unit, informal desk, internet station. A ‘container’ wall’ a series of curved timber columns (resembling the old wooden boats structure) with solid and glass sheets, creating privacy and transparency. Shelves could be attached creating a display system. Areas were created for relaxation, eating and play, spaces where staff could come together and exchange ideas.